elasticsearch. download


Release Notes:

New features:

  • Groovy Client (#139)
  • XContent – An abstraction on top of content (JSON inspired) (#152)
  • Nodes Stats API (#165)
  • Analysis ICU Plugin (#151)
  • Add online plugin repository and a ‘plugin’ command to download them (#157)
  • Cloud Plugin:
    • Allow to use the cloud as gateway storage (#163)
    • Auto Discovery on the Cloud (extending the Zen discovery) (#164)
  • Mapper: Date format – allow for multiple formats using ‘||’ separator (#169)
  • Memcache Plugin: Support memcached protocol (#141)
  • Restart API: Allow to restart one or more nodes (#155)
  • Service Wrapper: A Java Service Wrapper integration (#154)


  • Remove dependency on slf4j for logging, create own internal abstraction (#146)
  • Add a -v flag to output version information (#128)
  • Count / Delete By Query API: Add source parameter to pass the json body (#142)
  • HTTP/Transport Modules: Default to not set the reuse_address setting (#131)
  • Mapper:
    • Allow to define CamelCase JSON fields in mapping definitions (#133)
    • Object mapper default ‘date_formats’ to also support ‘yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss’ and ‘yyyy/MM/dd’ (#159)
  • Query DSL:
    • Allow for CamelCase field names (#134)
    • Custom Boost Factory Query (#161)
  • REST API: Allow to provide case parameter, with camelCase to return results in CamelCasing (#162)
  • Script / Service: Add ES_MIN_MEM and ES_MAX_MEM (#156)
  • Search API:
    • Allow to pass the body JSON also as a parameter named ‘source’ (#140)
    • Indices Boost to apply a boost factor to each index (#143)

Bug fixes:

  • Highlighting broken when query is on _all field or with prefixes (#148)
  • Range filter gt is broken (#119)
  • multi_field not returning for default field for certain type (#123)
  • NodeBuilder.local(false) sets local to true (#168)
  • Time Memory Leak: Search requests don’t eagerly clean the search context (#153)
  • Transport: A failure to handle a response might cause the transport to stop working (#170)
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