elasticsearch. download


Release Notes:

Breaking changes:

New features:


  • Twitter river: “user.screen_name” should not be analyzed (#715)
  • Add http and transport simplified host settings (#706)
  • Clear Cache API: Add specific cache clear for id, filter, field_data, bloom (#716)
  • Improve from hits pagination (duplicates) (#717)
  • Index Filter Cache: Add resident type, and max_size to soft/weak types (#721)
  • Mapping: When _all is disabled, optimize to not gather all entries (#722)
  • Zen Discovery: Rename `discovery.zen.initial_ping_timeout` to `discovery.zen.ping_timeout` (still support the old setting) (#723)
  • Bulk API: Improve memory usage when executing large bulk requests (724)
  • Peer Recovery: Batch translog based operation recovery based on size and not just number of operations (#729)

Bug fixes:

  • Handle cluster join request on a non IO thread (#702)
  • River not recovered when using single node after shutdown (#711)
  • Single node cluster comes up as red with local gateway (#714)
  • Acknowledge problem for put mapping with multiple indices or all indices (#720)
  • Percolate: Failure to percolate with specific query (when creating the _percolate index before the actual index) (#725)
  • Ids with # in them will cause search failures, also, fail when # is used in a type name (#728)


  • upgrade to mvel 2.1.beta1
  • upgrade to guava r08
  • upgrade to aws sdk 1.1.7
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