elasticsearch. download


Release Notes:

No special upgrade steps are needed from 0.16.1.

Breaking changes:

  • Field Cache: Change default type to resident from soft (#958)
  • Filter Cache: Introduce new node level filter cache and make it default (#959)


  • Upgrade to jackson 1.8.1 (#941)
  • Analysis:
    • Pattern Tokenizer (#928)
    • Add elision token filter (#930)
    • Phonetic filter to support cologne encoder (#942)
  • Field Cache: Allow to set index.cache.field.expire when using resident type (#957)
  • Query DSL:
    • query_string – Expose QueryParser#setAutoGeneratePhraseQueries (#964)
    • Ids Filter / Query – allow to execute it with no type defined / several types (#969)
    • Add limit filter (#976)
  • Scripting: Optimize to native script execution when using just doc.score (#952)

Bug fixes:

  • Deleting and recreating a new index with dynamic mapping can cause type failures (#931)
  • wrong type returned by date_histogram (#932)
  • IBM J9 failure to serialize nodes info (#950)
  • NPE when using “not” filter (#953)
  • Analysis: Regression (0.16.1), Camel cased filters / tokenizers failed to load in custom analyzer (#937)
  • Filter Cache: soft filter cache can cause bad memory behavior (#946)
  • Mapping: dynamic templates of object type do not initialize some mapping data structures (like analyzers lookup) (#929)
  • Mapping – Date Format: 3 or more custom date formats fail using ‘||’ delimiter (#977)
  • Scripting – mvel: Fix thread safety misuse when compiling scripts (#886)
  • Search: Empty facets element causes search failures (#938)
  • auto_expand_replicas: [0-all] can cause data loss when nodes are removed (#934)
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