elasticsearch. download


Release Notes:

Upgrade Notes:

  • Upgrading from 0.19 requires a full cluster restart.

Breaking Changes:

  • Shared Gateway has been deprecated (2459)
  • Snappy compression has been deprecated (2458)
  • Plugins Installer: Allow to download plugins from download.elasticsearch.org (#2507)

New features:

  • Allow highlighting on wildcard fields.. ie, comment_* (#2396)


  • Nested query should support explain. (#2503)
  • Add scoring support to has_child and has_parent queries (#2502)
  • match_all filter with empty array (instead of obj) fires exception when used with facets (#2493)
  • Update settings: Allow to dynamically update thread pool settings (#2509)

Bug fixes:

  • top_children query fails with dfs_query_* searchtype and some queries (#2501)
  • ArrayOutOfBoundException when using top_children in a must not clause. (#2500)
  • Search failures are not serialized correctly in MultiSearchResponse (#2498)
  • ShardSearchFailure handling of exception does not take actual into account for status (#2495)
  • Mlt api fails to work when routing isn’t id based. (#2489)
  • First indexing of a dynamic boolean field can cause it not to be indexed correctly (#2487)
  • : query not working (#2486)
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