elasticsearch. download


Release Notes:

New features:

  • Mapping Overhaul – More user friendly, cluster aware (#34)
  • Cluster Health API: A simple way to know if the cluster is healthy or not (#42)
  • Discovery: Support local (JVM level) discovery (#2)
  • Optimize API: Allow to optimize index/indices (#9)
  • Query DSL: moreLikeThis & moreLikeThisField (#43)
  • Search API: Set different boost for indices when searching across indices (#23)
  • Terms API: Allow to get terms for one or more field (#21)
  • Transport: Support local (JVM level) transport (#3)


  • Query http listeners (#10)
  • Merge bytebuffer and memory stores into a single memory store options (#22)
  • Accept 1 / 0 as true/false (#26)
  • query.sort should be an array, not an object (#30)
  • Boolean Type: Support also cases when a number/string value are passed (#33)
  • Count API: Also accepts /_count uri to search over all indices (#17)
  • Create Mapping API: Automatically create indices (#12)
  • Discovery/Jgroups: Upgrade to 2.9.0 (#7)
  • Flush API: Add refresh flag (refresh after flush) (#14)
  • Gateway: Store cluster meta data in JSON (and not binary) (#36)
  • HTTP: Rest API should support receiving HTTP chunks (#8)
  • Optimize API: Add onlyExpungeDeletes, flush and refresh parameters (#15)
  • Query: support negative queries (#44)
  • Query DSL:
    • Terms Filter (#1)
    • Bool query/filter to be valid JSON (#6)
    • queryString – allow to escape the string (#41)
  • Search API:
    • Fields listed should exists within a “fields” Json object (#13)
    • Also accepts /_search uri to search over all indices (#16)

Bug fixes:

  • flush_index hangs when no indices exist (#19)
  • Facet query crashes the cluster (#28)
  • JSON object properties are not positional (#27)
  • Terms results differs between one node and multiple (#38)
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