elasticsearch. download


Release Notes:

Breaking changes:

  • Cloud AWS: Change endpoint parameters to distinguish between ec2 and s3 (#574)
  • Memory Index Store: Separate to two buffer size types, and fix bugs (#577)

New features:

  • Index Templates (#540)
  • Parent / Child Support (#553)
  • Add terms/in query, alias terms filter to be in filter as well (#557)
  • Analyze API: An API to analyzer custom text based on an optional analyzer (#529)
  • Highlighting: Automatically use the field values extracted from _source if not stored explicitly in the mapping (#561)
  • Index / Index Template: Allow to define _default_ mapping (#542)


  • Support date and ip types for numeric_range filter (#530)
  • Reduce the number of concurrent recoveries per node to 2 from number_of_processors (#543)
  • Upgrade to Lucene 3.0.3 (#549)
  • Disable calling mlockall by default, can be enabled by setting bootstrap.mlockall to true (#567)
  • Bulk API: Add refresh flag (#535)
  • Create Index API: Allow to provide mappings (#541)
  • EC2 Discover: Support filtering instances by tags (#551)
  • Index Setting: Add index.refresh_interval to simplify setting instead of “index.engine.robin.refresh_interval@ (still works) (”#546":http://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/issues/issue/546)
  • Java TransportClient: By default, don’t sniff other nodes and use addresses provided as is (#565)
  • Recovery: Allow to control concurrent_streams (per node) during recovery (#563)
  • Search API:
    • Add how long the search took (in milliseconds) (#536)
    • Optimize single shard search to QUERY_AND_FETCH from any other search type (#547)
    • Allow to pass &fields= without any fields to cause only id and type to be returned (#572)
  • Search Fields: If a field is not stored, automatically extract it from _source (without the need for _source prefix) (#562)
  • Search Scroll API: Allow to provide the scroll id as the body of the scroll request (#545)
  • Tcp Transport: Connection pool between nodes and different connection types (#564)
  • Transport: Increase the default transport.tcp.connect_timeout from 1s to 30s, also, add network.tcp.connect_timeout to conform with other common network settings (#576)

Bug fixes:

  • Highlighting bug where fragments are broken when number_of_fragments is 0 (#479)
  • Scrolling issues (#136)
  • log4j syslog appender don’t load (#527)
  • Aliased analyzers cause index deletion / cleanup failure (#555)
  • Geo search fails to find some docs when wrapping over IDL (#559)
  • Close API might cause index data to be wiped (#560)
  • Excessive mapping parsing when cluster state changes (#575)
  • Delete Mapping API: Wrongly deleting existing mapping information (#531)
  • Java Search API: Passing a the query as json fails (#568)
  • Query Cache: Invalidate the query cache when mappings change (#532)


  • upgrade to mvel 2.0.19
  • add freebsd sigar libs
  • upgrade to tika 0.8
  • upgrade to jackson 1.6.3
  • upgrade to aws java sdk 1.1.1
  • upgrade twitter4j to 2.1.7
  • upgrade to gradle 0.9
  • upgrade to groovy 1.7.6
  • upgrade to rabbitmq client 2.2.0
  • upgrade to jython 2.5.2rc2
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