elasticsearch. 向导

Delete API

delete删除接口允许你根据id来删除索引里面的json文档. 下面是一个简单的例子,删除这样一个JSON文档,索引是twitter,在类型tweet下面有一个id为1的文档:

$ curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/1'


    "ok" : true,
    "_index" : "twitter",
    "_type" : "tweet",
    "_id" : "1",
    "found" : true


每个文档都有版本控制的,通过指定 version 来保证删除的对象的时候,没有删错。.



$ curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/1?routing=kimchy'

以上删除了id为1的一条tweet, 并且会通过user来进行路由,注意,如果没有指定正确的routing值,删除可能会失败.

很多时候,routing值可能我们并不知道,在这种情况下,如果在mapping里面配置了 _routingrequired, 而你没有指定routing, 则删除操作会分发广播到其他shard上去.


参数 parent 和routing一样,同样是为了设置合适的routing值.

注意,删除一个父对象,并不会自动的删除它的子对象,一个删除所有子对象的方法是将父对象的id作为参数,然后在子类型上使用 delete by query 操作,on the child index with the automatically generated (and indexed) field _parent, which is in the format parent_type#parent_id.


如果这个索引之前不存在,删除操作会自动创建该索引 (查看 创建接口(create index API) 来了解怎样手动创建索引), 如果这个类型不存在,那么也会自动创建该动态类型 (查看 提交Mapping(put mapping) 接口来了解如何创建Mapping信息).


删除操作通过shard碎片Id会自动Hash路由到指定的shard节点. 然后会跳转到该组的Primary Shard上, 然后执行该shard上的replica操作(如果该shard有副本的话,会在副本上执行相应的shard操作,即删除,如此等等).

复制类型(Replication Type)

复制的操作可以采用异步的方式来进行(索引操作在primary shard执行成功就可以立即返回),复制方式还可以通过参数 replication 来进行指定,可以设置为 asyncsync ,默认为 sync
The replication of the operation can be done in an asynchronous manner to the replicas (the operation will return once it has be executed on the primary shard). The replication parameter can be set to async (defaults to sync) in order to enable it.

写一致性(Write Consistency)

控制在一个复制组里面,索引操作需要在多少个active shard(补充:什么是active shard?索引设置了副本,但是由于机器不够,副本而没有分配出去的叫做unassigned shard,都分配在节点上了则都属于active shard,另外每个shard复制组里面,同一个时间,只有一个primary shard)上执行才算完成,可以通过参数 consistency 来进行设置,可选参数为 one, quorum, 和 all ,默认会使用节点基本的配置 action.write_consistency ,其默认值为 quorum.
Control if the operation will be allowed to execute based on the number of active shards within that partition (replication group). The values allowed are one, quorum, and all. The parameter to set it is consistency, and it defaults to the node level setting of action.write_consistency which in turn defaults to quorum.

For example, in a N shards with 2 replicas index, there will have to be at least 2 active shards within the relevant partition (quorum) for the operation to succeed. In a N shards with 1 replica scenario, there will need to be a single shard active (in this case, one and quorum is the same).


refresh 参数设置为 true 的时候,会立即更新相关shard碎片,使用的时候,需要确保该操作会不会对系统造成大量的负载。
The refresh parameter can be set to true in order to refresh the relevant shard after the delete operation has occurred and make it searchable. Setting it to true should be done after careful thought and verification that this does not cause a heavy load on the system (and slows down indexing).

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