elasticsearch. guide

Search API - URI Request

A search request can be executed purely using a URI by providing request parameters. Not all search options are exposed when executing a search using this mode, but it can be handy for quick “curl tests”. Here is an example:

$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/_search?q=user:kimchy'

And here is a sample response:

        "total" : 5,
        "successful" : 5,
        "failed" : 0
        "total" : 1,
        "hits" : [
                "_index" : "twitter",
                "_type" : "tweet",
                "_id" : "1", 
                "_source" : {
                    "user" : "kimchy",
                    "postDate" : "2009-11-15T14:12:12",
                    "message" : "trying out Elastic Search"


The parameters allowed in the URI are:

Name Description
q The query string (maps to the query_string query).
df The default field to use when no field prefix is defined within the query.
analyzer The analyzer name to be used when analyzing the query string.
default_operator The default operator to be used, can be AND or OR. Defaults to OR.
explain For each hit, contain an explanation of how scoring of the hits was computed.
fields The selective fields of the document to return for each hit (either retried from the index if stored, or from the _source if not), comma delimited. Defaults to the internal _source field. Not specifying any value will cause no fields to return.
sort Sorting to perform. Can either be in the form of fieldName, or fieldName:asc/fieldName:desc. The fieldName can either be an actual field within the document, or the special _score name to indicate sorting based on scores. There can be several sort parameters (order is important).
track_scores When sorting, set to true in order to still track scores and return them as part of each hit.
timeout A search timeout, bounding the search request to be executed within the specified time value and bail with the hits accumulated up to that point when expired. Defaults to no timeout.
from The starting from index of the hits to return. Defaults to 0.
size The number of hits to return. Defaults to 10.
search_type The type of the search operation to perform. Can be dfs_query_then_fetch, dfs_query_and_fetch, query_then_fetch, query_and_fetch. Defaults to query_then_fetch.
lowercase_expanded_terms Should terms be automatically lowercased or not. Defaults to true.
analyze_wildcard Should wildcard and prefix queries be analyzed or not. Defaults to false.
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