elasticsearch. guide

Search Groovy API

The search API is very similar to the Java search API. The Groovy extension allows to provide the search source to execute as a Closure including the query itself (similar to GORM criteria builder):

def search = node.client.search {
    indices "test"
    types "type1"
    source {
        query {
            term(test: "value")

search.response.hits.each {SearchHit hit -> 
    println "Got hit $hit.id from $hit.index/$hit.type"

It can also be execute using the “Java API” while still using a closure for the query:

def search = node.client.prepareSearch("test").setQuery({
        term(test: "value")

search.response.hits.each {SearchHit hit -> 
    println "Got hit $hit.id from $hit.index/$hit.type"

The format of the search Closure follows the same JSON syntax as the Search API request.

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