elasticsearch. guide

Custom Filters Score Query

A custom_filters_score query allows to execute a query, and if the hit matches a provided filter (ordered), use either a boost or a script associated with it to compute the score. Here is an example:

    "custom_filters_score" : {
        "query" : {
            "match_all" : {}
        "filters" : [
                "filter" : { "range" : { "age" : {"from" : 0, "to" : 10} } },
                "boost" : "3"
                "filter" : { "range" : { "age" : {"from" : 10, "to" : 20} } },
                "boost" : "2"

This can considerably simplify and increase performance for parameterized based scoring since filters are easily cached for faster performance, and boosting / script is considerably simpler.

Score Mode

A score_mode can be defined to control how multiple matching filters control the score. By default, it is set to first which means the first matching filter will control the score of the result. It can also be set to max/total/avg which will aggregate the result from all matching filters based on the aggregation type.


A script can be used instead of boost for more complex score calculations. With optional params and lang (on the same level as query and filters).

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